TM 5-4610-218-12
are slower in cold water; suspended matter settles
2-24. Operation in Extreme Cold.
more slowly and the water is more difficult to filter.
a. Inspection.
These factors complicate the water treatment pro-
(1) Bolts and nuts. Inspect for loose or bro-
cess. If clarity of the water cannot be obtained, re-
ken bolts, nuts and other metal parts. Extremely
duce the input rate to 20 gpm. In cold water, 40F
low temperatures reduce the shock resistant prop-
(4C) or less, the erdlator agitator should be set at
its lowest mixing speed When the equipment is to
be stopped or shut down, drain all pumps, hoses,
pipe, and tanks quickly. Leave all drain valves open,
(2) Electrical connections. Check all elec-
and inspect all equipment and be sure that it has
trical connections on the equipment to see if they
drained completely. To prevent freezing when there
are tight and free of moisture around the con-
is not a continuous demand, instead of stopping the
nections. Wipe any moisture from the connections
unit, maintain the flow of water through the equip-
with a soft absorbent cloth.
ment. Put the filter on the recirculation cycle and
b. Location. Locate the equipment where ad-
permit the erdlator to operate normally with the ef-
vantage can be taken of existing shelter and wind-
fluent waste through the wet well overflow. Re-
breaks. Park the truck and trailer on planking or
circulate the filtered water stored in the three 1500
other solid footing to prevent the tires from freezing
gallon fabric tanks with the distribution pump.
to the ground. Release the brakes and drain all air
f. Lubrication. Lubricate the equipment as
from the air brake system. Install the other equip-
prescribed by the current lubrication order LO 5-
ment on platforms of wood or other suitable mate-
rial to prevent it from freezing to the ground.
2-25. Operation in Extreme Heat.
a. Protection. Protective devices such as shel-
Do not touch metal parts with bare
ters and windbreaks will be required in extreme
hands when the temperature is ex-
heat. Keep the storage tanks well covered at all
tremely low.
c. Shelter and Protection Against Freez-
b. Lubrication. Lubricate the equipment in ac-
ing. Construct windbreaks around the installed
cordance with current lubrication order LO 5-4610-
equipment that is not in the van body and erect ten-
ting shelters for protection. The filtered water stor-
c. Electrical Wiring. The insulation of the
age tanks may be installed inside a tent or other
electrical wiring softens in extremely high tem-
shelter. All hose lines external to the shelter must
peratures and can be easily damaged. Inspect the
be drained quickly during freezing temperatures or
electric wiring for fraying, swelling, or peeling of
a flow of water approximately 25 gpm through 1-1/2
the insulation.
inch hose should be maintained. Filtered water may
d. Tarpaulin. The canvas tarpaulin of the
be recirculated with the distribution pump between
trailer should not be exposed to the direct rays of
the three filtered water storage tanks to prevent
the sun, unless otherwise unavoidable.
freezing in the hose lines, tank outlets, and pump.
e. Ventilation. Use the heater fan to ventilate
d. Heating. Use
the personnel heater provided
the water purification unit in the van body.
to heat the water purification unit in the van body.
Fuel, coal, or wood burning heaters, or other heat-
f. Purification Process. Organic matter and
ing devices may be installed inside the erected tents
plant lift grows faster in warm water and sunlight.
to protect the other equipment and prevent freezing
The increase in plant life growth will increase the
of the water.
dissolved gases in shallow raw water supplies.
Therefore, every effort should be made to obtain
raw water well beneath the surface. Keep the er-
dlator aspirators in continuous operation to facili-
Prevent hazards from fires, exhaust
tate the release of dissolved gases. The erdlator agi-
fumes, leaking fuel, and oil. Do not
tator should be operated at or near maximum speed.
allow water to freeze and build up ice
When the unit is stopped, slurry should not be
around the equipment.
stored in the erdlator for periods longer than 24
hours. The increased water temperature stimulates
e. Purification Process. Chemical reactions