TM 5-4610-218-12
(6) Replace all unserviceable parts.
(3) Replace the valve if it is unserviceable.
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 4-53 and
semble the low water level alarm float assembly.
the low water level alarm float valve.
4-52. Raw Water Float Valve By-pass Piping.
the low water level alarm float assembly.
a. Removal. Remove the raw water float valve
4-51. Low Water Level Alarm Float Valve.
by-pass (fig, 4-52).
a. General. The float by-pass valve, located in
b. Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-54 and
the raw water piping above the erdlator tank, is reg-
semble piping and valves.
ulated by the low water level alarm assembly de-
c. Clean, Inspect and Repair.
pending upon the level of the water in the wet well
(1) Clean all parts with dry cleaning solvent
(2) Inspect all parts for damage.
low water level alarm float valve.
(3) Repair or replace all damaged parts.
c. Clean, Inspect and Replace.
d. Reassembly. Refer to figure 4-54 and
(1) Clean the valve with dry cleaning solvent
semble piping and valves.
(2) Inspect the valve for cracks and damaged
raw water float valve by-pass piping.
threads. Check the valve rod to see if it will move
freely and turn in the valve body.
Figure 4-54. Raw Water Float Valve By-Pass, Disassembly and Reassembly.