TM 5-4610-218-12
f. Installation.
atomite filter assembly.
(2) Inspect the piping for cracks, damaged
threads, corrosion, rust, and accumulation of scale
or obstructions.
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
clean parts, is potentially dangerous.
e. Installation au a Unit.
Avoid repeated and prolonged
(1) Attach the sections of the line to the as-
breathing of the vapors and skin con-
semblies or piping from which they were removed.
tact with the liquid. Do not use near
(2) Connect all unions in the line.
open flame or excessive heat. Use in a
well-ventilated area. The flash-point
(3) Install any clamps, or other holding de-
of P-D-680 is 100-138 F (38-59 F).
vices, that were used to secure the line.
f. Installation of Individual Pieces.
4-74. Chemical Piping.
(1) Screw the proper fitting in or on the as-
a. General. This section contains information on
sembly or piping from which it was removed. Then
chemical piping used throughout the water puri-
install the assemblies and the pipe and fittings one
fication unit. Since it is impractical to describe each
at a time as applicable.
pipe line individually, this section contains basic in-
(2) Connect any unions in the line.
formation only. When pipes or fittings are defective,
obtain new pipe components from bulk stock and
use the old piping as a pattern to prepare a new
(4) Secure the line with clamps or other hold-
chemical line.
ing devices.
b. Removal au a Unit.
4-75. Plastic Tubing.
(1) Remove any pipe clamps or other devices
a. General. This paragraph contains infor-
from the line.
mation on plastic tubing used in the water puri-
(2) Disconnect the unions in the line.
fication unit. If any tubing is defective, it must be
(3) Remove the section of the line from the as-
replaced with new tubing of the same length and in-
sembly or piping to which it is attached.
side and outside diameter as the old tubing. New
tubing should be obtained from bulk stock. Use the
b. Removal by Individual Pieces.
old piece of tubing as a pattern to get the required
(1) Remove any pipe clamps or other devices
length when cutting new tubing.
from the line.
b. Removal.
(2) Disconnect the union from the line.
(1) Loosen the screws in the tubing clamp and
(3) Disconnect any plastic hoses, then remove
slide the tubing from the connector and then slide
the piping or the piping assemblies one at a time as
the tubing clamp off the tubing.
(2) Remove the tubing hold down clamps and
d. Clean and Inspect.
lift the tubing from the equipment.
(1) Clean the piping with dry cleaning solvent