TM 5-4610-218-34
(h) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge below
the erdlator agitator speed reducer.
ric chloride into the truck engine and gasoline
driven pump engines.
(i) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge in the
personnel heater.
(c) Start the engine and operate at full
(2) Weapons fire. Fire on the unit with the
(d) Start the water purification electric
heaviest weapons available. Direct fire at the
motors and jam the mechanism so that the mo-
pumps, erdlator assembly, and diatomite filter.
tors will burn out.
d. Other Demolition Methods.
(e) Drop small gravel, nuts, or metal
scraps into the suction side of the pumps and
(1) Scattering and concealment. Remove all
easily accessible vital parts such as engine ac-
operate them.
cessories, electrical control cabinet parts, hoses,
fittings, filter elements, and tools. Scatter these
parts through dense foliage, bury them in dirt or
sand, or throw them into a lake, stream, or other
body of water, Bags of chemicals should be bro-
and detonate them simultaneously with deto-
ken and contents scattered on the ground or in a
nating cord and a suitable detonator. Listed
body of water.
below are the vital parts in order of priority of
demolition. Completion of the first four steps
(2) Burning. Pack the fabric tanks, covers,
will render the unit inoperative. Completion of
and hose around the water purification unit.
the additional stepps will completely destroy the
Saturate this packing with gasoline, oil, or die-
sel fuel and ignite it.
(a) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge inside
(3) Submersion. Totally submerge the unit
the slurry feeder assembly.
in a body of water to afford some water damage
and concealment. A body of salt water will do
(b) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge be-
the greatest damage to the metal parts.
tween the filter pump and motor assembly.
e. Training. All operators should receive
(c) Two 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charges in
through training in the destruction of the truck
the diatomite filter. Remove one filter element to
mounted water purification unit. Simulated de-
place this charge.
struction, using all of the methods listed above,
(d) Two 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charges in
should be included in the operators training pro-
the erdlator tank.
gram. It must be emphasized in training that de-
molition operations are usually necessitated by
critical situations when the time available for
The above charges are the minimum
destruction is limited. For this reason, it is nec-
requirements for this method.
essary that the operators and maintenance per-
sonnel be thoroughly familiar with all methods
(e) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge above
of destruction and be able to carry out demoli-
the chemical solution feeder.
tion instructions without reference to this or any
(f) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge below
other manual.
the erdlator agitator drive motor.
(g) One 1/2-pound (.227 kg) charge inside
the electrical control cabinet.