TM 5-4610-218-34
Section II.
for leveling the unit. The van body bonnet contains an
1-7. Description.
installed personnel heater. The upper and lower side
a. General. The 1500 gph (gallons per hour) water
doors (fig. 1-3), when open, permit removal or replace-
purification unit is installed in a van type body,
ment of the erdlator assembly and maybe used as an
mounted on a 2-ton truck. Supporting equipment re-
operating platform in temperate weather.
quired for the unit includes a 10 KW (kilowatt) engine-
driven generator set, mounted on a standard 1-ton
c. Personnel Heater. Each van body is equipped
cargo trailer. Three collapsible fabric tanks, each with
with a gasoline burning personnel heater located in
a capacity of 1500 gallons, are required for operation.
the bonnet end of the van body. It is used to maintain
Three portable centrifugal pumps, two being electric
above freezing temperatures inside the van body and
driven, and one gasoline engine driven, along with a
protect the equipment and personnel during cold
30-day supply of chemicals and the necessary hose
assemblies are included with this unit. The primary
purpose of the water purification unit is to produce
d. Erdlator Assembly.
potable and palatable drinking water from fresh water
(1) General. The erdlator assembly includes the
sources, at the rate of 1500 gallons per hour. The
agitator speed reducer and drive motor, supported by
maintenance paragraphs of this manual contains
detailed descriptions of its components. No known dif-
of the erdlator assembly (fig. 1-4) are two influent
ferences of this model exist.
launders, an effluent launder, wet well tank, sludge
concentrator tank, slurry weir box, downcomer tube
and the agitator shaft (with disks). It is mounted on
See SC 4610-97-CL-E05 for variation of
a separate steel plate, attached to the van body floor.
end item components for use in CONUS
The erdlator assembly reduces the contents of the
(Continental United States) and MAP
organic and suspended matter of the water, produc-
(Mutual Assistance Program) countries.
ing an effluent suitable for application to the
b. Van Body. The van body has a rear door (fig.
diatomite filter.
1-2) and a side door. A ladder (fig. 1-3) is supplied for
each door. It has four lifting shackles (fig. 1-2), two at
(2) Erdlator tank. The erdlator tank is a cir-
the lower front and two at the lower rear comers. The
cular, funnel-shaped unit of one-piece aluminum con-
van is equipped with two separate electric systems;
struction, with a capacity of approximately 530
a 24-volt dc, and a 120-volt ac. The clearance lights are
gallons. A stub shaft and bearing support (fig. 1-4) for
mounted on the top front and rear, and in pairs
the agitator is mounted in the bottom of the tank.
mounted at the upper comers of the front and rear
There is a baffle ring near the bottom, secured to the
sides of the van body. The top lights in front and front
tank with a series of short baffles which support the
sides have amber lenses and the lower ones have
downcomer tube. A draw-off port is located opposite
amber blackout lenses. The top lights at the rear and
the slurry weir box and another near the top which
rear sides have red lenses and the lower ones have red
opens into the wet well. There are two drains, an up-
blackout lenses. All clearance lights are 24 volt. There
per one for partial draining and the lower one for com-
are eight reflectors on the water purification van body,
plete draining. The erdlator tank serves as a separator
four red ones on the rear of the van body, and four
which hydraulically separates the slurry blanket from
amber ones on the front. A filtered water outlet cap
the clear water in the upper section of the tank, in
is located on the left side of the van body. There are
what is termed as the separator zone. It also serves
two waste water outlet caps, one on each side of the
as a clarifier, as the flow of coagulated water is
van body, and two cable outlet caps, one located on
deflected at the bottom of the tank and directed in an
each side of the van body. There is a water inlet on the
upward rotating direction into the clarification zone.
right side of the van body. There are three screened
(3) In fluent launder. The two in fluent
windows, one at each side and one at the rear. The side
launders are constructed of aluminum and are
windows are stationary, but the rear one can be open-
ed with a crank from the inside. The van is equipped
The raw water is introduced into the influent laun-
with three levels, one on each side and one at the rear,
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