TM 5-4610-218-34
Figure 6-7. Diatomite Filter Pump Motor, Disassembly and Reassembly
(4) Inspect the mounting hardware and
threaded holes for damaged threads.
spect them for lack of lubrication and defective
balls and races. If the bearings are serviceable,
(5) Inspect the wiring for damaged insu-
oil them with a light engine oil and wrap
them in waxed paper or in a lint-free cloth to
(6) Inspect the shaft and fan of the rotor
protect them from dust until they are installed.
for cracks and other damage.
(7) Inspect the rotor cage and bars for
cracks and breaks. Inspect the bars for signs
(9) Inspect both head assemblies for
of overheating.
cracks and distortion.