TM 5-4610-223-12
Shutting Down Erdlator. The water treatment section must be drained when the unit is to be transported, shut
down during freezing temperature, or for periods exceeding 48 hours under other temperature conditions.
Close slurry feeder hand variator feed indicators FEI-5 (3, fig. 2-15) and FEI-6 (1, fig. 2-14).
Stop slurry feed drive by pressing STOP button (10, fig. 2-1).
Remove chemical solution feeder hoses from solution tanks. Allow solution feeder to pump until all
solution is drawn from hoses.
Stop solution feeder by pressing STOP button (16).
Stop raw water pump by pressing STOP button (15). If two raw water pumps are used, stop the
second pump by pressing STOP button (14).
Stop erdlator drive by pressing STOP button (13).
Make sure waste tank gate drain valve DV-23 (6, fig. 2-16) is open.
Open wet well gate drain valve DV-25 (4).
Open drawoff piping plug control valves CV-16 (1, fig. 2-22) and CV-17 (2).
Open sludge concentrator drain valves DV-21 (3, fig. 2-16) and DV-22 (5).
Open erdlator tank upper and lower drain valves DV-19 (10) and DV-20 (9).
If the erdlator is to be shut down for a short period and there is no possibility of the water freezing, do
not open the lower drain valve DV-20 (9, fig. 2-16). Water will drain from the upper drain valve DV-
19 (10) leaving enough slurry in the bottom of the erdlator to form a slurry blanket (floc) quickly when
operation is resumed.
Open slurry feeder drain valves DV-26 (9, fig. 2-15) and DV-27 (8).
Open quick acting gate control valve CV-34 (14, fig. 2-23) on coagulated water line to filter pump.
Open filter pump volute housing draincock DC-48 (5, fig. 2-17).