TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Perform the following to transmit to a remote radio station.
Do not transmit on frequencies assigned to other radio sets. Refer to Table 5-2 for
a general listing of channel assignments and the purpose for which these channels
are to be used.
Turn HI-LO POWER selector switch to desired setting.
HI-LO POWER selector switch should initially be set in LO position (1 watt RF
output power) for near stations (1-2 miles). Use HI position (25 watt RF output
power) when contact cannot be made using low power (LO position) or for distant
stations (over 2 miles).
Turn CHANNEL selector switch to obtain desired channel, normally channel 16, to establish initial
contact. (Channels 16 and 22 are always monitored by the USCG.)
Refer to Table 5-2 to select the proper channel to be used as a working channel
after initial contact. Before transmitting on the working channel, make sure
channel selected is not in use.
Hold microphone about 1 inch from the mouth, press and hold PUSH-TO-TALK button on
microphone, and speak into it slowly and distinctly.
When message is complete, release PUSH-TO-TALK button so acknowledgment and incoming
messages can be received. Marine radios cannot receive incoming messages while transmitting.
Wait until incoming message is completed before pressing PUSH-TO-TALK button again to
5-7.3.3 Walkie-talkies. The three walkie-talkies are solid state VHF/FM transceivers that operate in the 156.025 to
157.425 MHz frequency range. These frequencies and channels are within the marine radio band as indicated in Table
5-2. Each walkie-talkie operates on six channels: two channels are preprogrammed (i.e., channel 6 for intership safety
and channel 16 for distress, safety and calling), and A, B, C, and D which may be programmed by the operator. Each
walkie-talkie develops 1 or 5 watts of RF output power.
Walkie-talkie battery charger should be connected to a 115 Vac power source.
Perform the following to receive incoming messages:
Remove walkie-talkie from battery charger (Figure 5-10).
Attach external VHF antenna to receptacle (Figure 5-11) if not in place.
Turn VOLUME ON/OFF control clockwise to mid-position on dial.
Turn squelch control fully counterclockwise.
Set channel selector switch to desired position.
Turn SQUELCH control clockwise until background noise disappears.
When message is received, adjust VOLUME/ON/OFF control to desired listening level.