TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Perform the following to transmit messages to another station on the same frequency:
Before transmitting, listen to channel to be used to make sure it is not presently
being used. Make sure external VHF antenna is connected to receptacle on top of
Set HI-LO power switch to desired setting.
Use low power setting when communicating with stations within 100 yards of
Speak slowly and distinctly into built-in microphone located in lower left comer of speaker grille,
while pressing PUSH-TO-TALK button on side of walkie-talkie.
If using an external microphone, associated PUSH-TO-TALK button will activate walkie-talkie.
5-7.4 Shutdown procedures
5-7.4.1 Army radio
On Army radio (Figure 5-8), set LIGHT selector switch to OFF. The LAMP and CALL control indicators
will go out. Then turn BREAKER-RESET power switch to OFF.
On Army radio power supply (Figure 5-6 and Figure 5-7), turn POWER ON/OFF switch to OFF. The AC
ON green light will go out.
Perform before operation checks in paragraph a as appropriate.
5-7.4.2 Marine radio
On marine radio (Figure 5-9), turn VOLUME control fully counterclockwise.
On marine radio power supply, set power switch to OFF.
5-7.4.3 Walkie-talkies
On walkie-talkie, turn VOLUME-ON/OFF control fully counterclockwise.
Replace walkie-talkie in battery charger receptacle and make sure red light next to it goes on to indicate
continued charging of walkie-talkie. If red light does not come on, make sure battery charger ON/OFF
switch is in ON position.
Section III. Foghorn equipment
5-8 Description. The foghorn produces an omnidirectional sound to warn approaching vessels of barge location during
periods of poor visibility. The foghorn shown in Figure 5-12 consists of the major components listed in Table 5-3.
Equipment specifications, maintenance information, and manufacturers' service manuals are contained in
TM 55-1930-209-14&P-12, Communications System.
5-9 Capabilities. The foghorn meets USCG requirement 33 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 67 for a 1/2-mile sound
signal. It sounds automatically for approximately 2 seconds, is silent for 18 seconds, and repeats the cycle until turned
off. The foghorn sound can be heard in all directions.
5-10 Special limitations. The foghorn does not provide any warning to barge crewmembers of approaching vessels.