TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
9-13 Brine tank and holding tank priming
If brine tank and/or holding tank are empty, tanks must be primed according to
these Instructions. Valves are located in void 2 port and 2 starboard.
Perform prestart procedure in paragraph 9-10.
Turn function switch on control cabinet (Figure 9-9) to OFF/RESET. This opens level sensors in holding tank and
solenoid valves which stops flow of water to brine tank c. Turn alarm ON/OFF switch on control cabinet
(Figure 9-9) to OFF.
Turn brine pump ON/OFF switch inside control cabinet (Figure 9-10) to OFF.
Close chlorination valves CU2 and CU10 to isolate holding tank.
When priming tanks with water from seawater system cooling pump:
Make sure cooling pump is operating. Hf not operating, open valves SW3, SW27, SW35, and SW36 to
provide seawater from seawater strainer 3 to strainer pressure gauges and cooling pump. Start pump by
pressing START button on pump motor controller.
Open seawater valve SW47 to allow seawater flow to chlorination unit.
Close seawater valve SW48 to stop seawater flow from seawater pump.
Attach hose to hose bib on seawater to chlorination system line in void 2 port.
Go to step i to prime brine tank or to step j to prime holding tank
When priming tanks with water from seawater system pump(s) 1 and/or 2:
Open seawater valve(s) SW24 and/or SW25 in void 2 starboard to provide seawater from seawater
Open seawater valve SW48 to allow seawater flow to chlorination unit.
Close seawater valve SW47 to prevent seawater flow from cooling pump.
Attach hose to hose bib on seawater to chlorination system line in void 2 port.
Go to step i to prime brine tank or to step j to prime holding tank h. When priming tanks with water from
drinking water system pressure set:
Open drinking water system valve DW17 in void 3 port to allow drinking water to flow to hose bib in void 2
Attach hose to hose bib on drinking water to chlorination system line in void 2 port.
Go to step i to prime brine tank or to step j to prime holding tank
Prime brine tank as follows:
Remove lid from brine tank and turn chlorination valve CU7 to position C (dose) to isolate brine tank
Using hose previously attached to bib, fill brine tank half full of water.
Add salt to brine tank and stir manually until no more salt will dissolve in water (about 500 pounds).
Replace lid on brine tank