TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Table 12-1. Compressed Air System Major Components (continued)
Location and Function
Air Station 8
Workshop port bulkhead In air supply line beyond air pressure
Seawater Seachest
pressure regulator 1 with air pressure gauge Controls air for
Blowdown Valve
blowdown of seachest in void 2 port. Used in conjunction with
seawater valve SW30.
Air Station 9
ROWPU space aft bulkhead in air supply line beyond air
Generator Cooling
pressure regulator 2 with air pressure gauge. Controls air for
Seachest Blowdown
blowdown of seachest in void 4 port. Used In conjunction with
seawater valve SW44.
Airhose, 50 Feet
Attached to air stations Provides air pressure from air stations
to pneumatic equipment.
Airhose, 25 Feet
Dedicated hose used only for providing air pressure to
drive PIG through shore discharge hose.
Seawater Valve SW30*
Workshop port bulkhead. Used with seawater seachest
blowdown valve to blowdown seachest in void 2 port. When
opened, this valve vents forward seachest to atmosphere
through venting pipe to deckhouse top. When closed, valve
forces air from air station into seachest for blowdown.
Seawater Valve SW44*
ROWPU space rear bulkhead. Similar function as SW30.
Section III. Operating instructions
12-7 Operating controls and indicators
12-7.1 Controls
Power panel 1 circuit breaker 3P5, on ROWPU space port bulkhead, controls power to air compressor's electrical
controller. See TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-9 for details on electrical power panels.
Air compressor electric controller (Figure 12-3), on ROWPU space port bulkhead above compressor, controls
electrical power to compressor.
Receiver drain cock, on bottom of receiver (Figures 12-4 and 12-5), drains moisture and air from receiver. Turn
T-handle clockwise to open and counterclockwise to close.
Safety valve, on rec eiver topside forward, automatically maintains pressure in receiver at not more than 155 psi.
Automatic air regulator (pressure switch), on receiver topside, automatically maintains air pressure in receiver
between factory set limits indicated on name/data plates by switching power ON and OFF.
Main supply valve, on forward end of receiver, controls air supply to system. Turn handle parallel with pipe to turn
air pressure ON; turn handle to right angle with pipe to turn air pressure OFF.
Air pressure regulator 1 (Figure 12-6), on workshop port bulkhead, controls air pressure for blowdown of forward
seachest in void 2 starboard. Regulator is normally set to 40 psi. Turn T-handle on regulator clockwise to
decrease pressure, counterclockwise to Increase pressure.