TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
14-8 Drinking water for onboard use. Drinking water for use onboard flows from the storage tanks to the pressure set.
The pressure set pumps water to the drinking fountain and sink in the dayroom, shower on the forward weatherdeck, and
washdown stations in the ROWPU space and deckhouse top. The pressure set also supplies water to the chlorination
system. As a reserve backup, the pressure set pumps water from the reserve tank, if water is not available from the
storage tanks. This tank also can be filled with water from another vessel or shore supply through a fill pipe located on
the weatherdeck near the port discharge valve.
Section III. Operating instructions
14-9 Operating controls and indicators. Information about the drinking water system's operating controls and indicators
is in Table 14-2. These controls and indicators are shown in Figures 14-3 thru 14-8. Information about system valves
(Figures 14-1 and 14-2) is in Table 14-3.
14-10 Prestart procedures
14-10.1 Before performing any drinking water system operation, be sure to check system for damage and perform
following the before operation checks:
Wipe components clean, especially gauges and control panels.
Check for leaks, paying special attention to all joints, valves, fittings and piping. Report leaks to shift leader for
Check for damage, especially to pressure gauges, filters, and control panels.
Check for loose or missing securements and fasteners. Tighten or replace as necessary.
Check wiring for loose connections and frayed cables. Secure as necessary. Repair or replace damaged cables.
Check water filter cartridge. Replace as necessary.
EMS monitors water level in each storage tank and discharge water pressure, flow
rate, salinity and total water discharged.
14-10.2 Make sure EMS is operating. If not, start up by following procedures in Chapter 8.
14-11 Operating procedures
14-11.1 General. Normal operating procedures for operating this system are in the following paragraphs:
Filling drinking water storage tanks paragraph 14-11.2.
Discharging drinking water to shore paragraph 14-11.3.
Discharging drinking water through port discharge valve paragraph 14-11.4.
Supplying storage tank drinking water to pressure set for use onboard barge paragraph 14-11.5.
Filling drinking water reserve tank paragraph 14-11.6.
Supplying drinking water onboard barge from reserve tank paragraph 14-11.7.
Supplying drinking water to dayroom, washdown stations, chlorination unit, and shower paragraph 14-11.8.