TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Table 14-1. Major Components of Drinking Water System
4 storage tanks
Store drinking water
Tanks 1 and 3 - void 3 starboard
Tanks 2 and 4 - void 3 port
4 storage tank liquid
Indicate water level in
One on each storage tank
tank level indicators
storage tanks. High and
with level switches
low level switches
automatically start/stop
discharge pump.
Liquid level data is
monitored and transmitted
to monitoring system
250-gallon reserve
Stores drinking water for
Void 3 port - near shell
use onboard barge
Reserve tank liquid
Indicates water level in
On reserve tank
level indicator
reserve tank
Drinking fountain
Provides drinking water
onboard barge
Provides water onboard
barge for personal
hygiene and other uses
2 discharge pumps
Pump drinking water to
Discharge pumps 1 and
shore facility or to port
2 - Void 3 port near aft
Drinking water
Supplies drinking water
Void 3 port - near shell
pressure set
for use onboard barge
including filling of reserve
Salinity cell
Monitors drinking water
Void- 3 port - in
salinity and transmits
discharge pump
data to monitoring system
discharge line
Flow sensor
Monitors drinking water
Void 3 port- in
flow rate, transmits data
discharge pump
to monitoring system and
discharge line
indicates flow rate on meter
Pressure sensor
Monitors drinking water
Void 3 port - in
pressure, transmits data
discharge pump
to monitoring system
discharge line
Pressure gauge
Indicates pressure in
Void 3 port - in
discharge line
discharge pump
discharge line
Water filter
Filters any immunities
Void 3 port - in
in drinking water
pressure set
discharge line
5 washdown stations
For washing down decks
4 stations in ROWPU
and shore discharge hose
space and 1 on top of
during retrieval