TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Pressure set automatically stops when reserve tank is empty. Before It becomes
empty, refill by following procedures In paragraph 14-11.6.
Set HAND/OFF/AUTO switch on pressure set motor controller to AUTO.
Make sure pressure set is operating normally.
14-11.8 Supplying drinking water to dayroom, washdown stations, chlorination unit, and shower
Make sure drinking water is in storage tanks or reserve tank
Perform steps a thru g in paragraph 14-11.5 to supply drinking water from storage tank(s). Perform steps a thru g
in paragraph 14-11.7 to supply drinking water from reserve tank.
Supply drinking water as follows:
At dayroom sink, open valve DW5 and open faucet
At dayroom fountain, open valves DW5 and DW5A (on Barges 2 and 3 only) and operate fountain.
At ROWPU and deckhouse top washdown stations, open bib at each station.
At shower on bow weatherdeck, open valve on showerhead.
At chlorination unit, open valve as directed by procedures in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-4.
14-12 Shutdown procedures
14-12.1 Normal shutdown
If system will be shut down for less than 12 hours and personnel remain onboard;
Stop ROWPU systems according to procedures in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3 to stop drinking water from
flowing into storage tanks.
Stop shore discharge pumps by positioning motor controller HAND/OFF/AUTO switch to OFF.
When an onboard water supply is not required, stop pressure set by positioning its motor controller
HAND/OFF/AUTO switch to OFF.
If system will be shut down for more than 12 hours but less than 7 days and personnel will not be onboard:
Perform steps 1 thru 3 in step a.
Open switchboard circuit breakers P9 (shore discharge pump 1) and P15 (shore discharge pump 2).
Open power panel 1 circuit breaker 11P5.
After shutdown, perform the following after operation checks:
Wipe components clean, especially gauges and control panels.
Check for damaged or missing items, loose wires, connections and securements. Repair, replace and/or
tighten as necessary.
Remove rust and corrosion. Touch up paint in accordance with TB 43-0144 as necessary. Do not paint
threads or labels.