TM 551930-209-14&P-10
Indicating light (on switchboard)
Newark Electronics
Part No
Slide base
120 Vac
Part No
Green (Barge 1)
Blue (Barges 2 and 3)
2-3 Items furnished
Components installed as part of the interior lighting system are listed on the parts list of drawings referenced in
Appendix A and in the Components of End Item List in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-20.
2-3.2 Common and bulk items onboard are listed in the Expendable Supplies and Materials List in TM 55-1930- 209-
2-3.3 Repair parts and special tools onboard are listed in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List in TM 55-1930- 209-
14&P-1 8
2-4 Items required but not furnished. All required items are furnished.
2-5 Tools and test equipment. Use existing tools and equipment onboard. A complete list of tools and test equipment
onboard is in the Tools and Test Equipment List in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18.
Section II. Description of operation
2-6 General. Power is provided to the normal interior lighting system in the deckhouse and voids by either service
generator, the auxiliary generator, or shore power. ROWPU space and void lights are operated from their corresponding
lighting panels by closing circuit breakers. Dayroom and workshop lights are operated and controlled from bulkhead-
mounted rotary switches. The ROWPU space port and starboard doors and dayroom door to the weatherdeck are each
equipped with an interlocking switch that automatically turns off these lights when one of these doors is opened.
In the event that normal power is lost, an inverter automatically converts 24 Vdc battery bank power to 120 Vac
power. This power is supplied to the emergency panel for emergency lighting (fluorescent and red incandescent lights)
and for communications (marine radio and telephone system).
A green lamp (Barge 1 ) or blue lamp (Barges 2 and 3), located on the forward panel of the switchboard,
indicates that emergency power from the battery bank is available. An emergency light switch is located on the
switchboard and next to each door to the weatherdeck so that emergency lights can be readily turned ON/OFF.