The Constavolt Float Rectifier is designed to operate on a specific number of cells. The name-plate on the charger
indicates the type and the number of cells required Once properly installed and adjusted, the rectifier should maintain the
battery m a fully charged condition. Install the rectifier so that the flow of air through the ventilators is not obstructed.
Binding posts with wire lug connectors are provided on a terminal board within the unit. When hooking up the DC cables
to the battery, be certain the positive terminal of the charger is connected to the positive battery terminal and the
negative terminal is connected to the negative of the battery. Terminals are also provided for connection of the remote
alarm system.
After the rectifier has been installed, give the battery a freshening charge to make certain it is fully charged by putting the
High Float Switch on the front of the rectifier m the equalize or high position. The battery should be given an equalizing
charge for at least 24 hours. When the battery is in a fully charged condition, return the switch to thefloat position. With
the switch m this position the voltage should average 2.17 volts per cell for lead acid, 1 4 volts per cell for nickel-
cadmium and 1 5 volts per cell for nickel-iron (Edison) cells.
A potentiometer is provided to adjust the DC output so that the desired level may be maintained The range of the
potentiometer adjustment Ls a minimum of plus or minus 08 volts per cell On model A12B units, dual potentiometers are
provided so that both the float and equalizing positions may be independently adjusted
In normal operation the Constavolt Float Charger maintains a constant battery voltage from no load to loads up to its
rated load capacity as indicated by the name-plate If the external loads exceed name-plate capacity the charger will
attempt to carry the excess load up to its current limiting capacity Beyond this point, the battery will carry the excessive
loads If the battery is discharged, the charger will re-charge the battery on a taper curve from its current limiting capacity
to full charge
The High-Float Switch is used to raise the rectifier output voltage to 2 33 volts per cell for lead acid cells, 1 6 volts per
cell for nickel-cadmium cells, 1.6 volts per cell for nickel-iron (Edison) cells so that the battery can be given an equalizing
charge. To give an equalizing charge, it is only necessary to throw the switch to the high position and leave it there for
24 hours The rectifier will automatically hold the cell voltage at equalizing voltage when the switch is in high position and
will drop back to float voltage when the switch is put back into the normal or float position.
If a 24 hour equalizing timer is provided, the timer switch replaces the manual high float switch To operate the timer, it is
only necessary to turn the timer knob to the desired equalizing time setting. The time switch transfers the charger from
the float to the equalizing charge rate. The timer times out to automatically return the charger to the float charge
The inherent design of the transformer-reactor combination provides compensation for line voltage variations of ± 10%
The DC output is regulated to ± 1% from no load to full load with AC line variations of ± 10%