TM 55-1930-209-14&P-11
5-1 Short-term storage. If barge is taken out of service for more than 7 days but less than 30 days, follow shutdown
procedures In paragraph 3-8 Inspect for damage, corrosion, or pilferage
5-2 Administrative storage. If barge Is taken out of service for more than 30 days but less than 6 months, barge
remains a unit responsibility and shall be maintained by unit personnel.
5-2.1 Administrative storage procedures. If not used In administrative storage, EMS Is processed as specified In
steps below and Inspected as specified In paragraph 5-2.2
Turn main power switch OFF
On Inside of front panel, turn main processor switch off
Behind panel under the screen, turn video monitor switch off
Open 24 Vdc power panel circuit breakers 1P14 and 4P14
Make sure batteries are fully charged
Disconnect positive and negative leads from battery terminals, wrap In clean, dry cloth and locate so they do not
touch battery box or any other metal part of barge Be sure to reinstall battery cover
Thoroughly clean all external surfaces to remove any corrosion or other foreign matter Clean all surfaces with
cloth dampened In soapy water, then wipe clean with cloth dampened In soapy water, then wipe clean with cloth
dampened In clean water Clean electrical components with a clean cloth moistened with silicone spray lubricant
Touch up paint as necessary to match surrounding areas In accordance with TB 43-0144
5-2.2 Administrative storage inspection. The EMS, if not used during storage, will be Inspected at least once every 30
days Check for corrosion, damage or pilferage Correct as necessary
5-3 Long-term storage. If barge Is to be taken out of service for 6 months or more, turn It In to depot for preparation
and placement Into long-term storage If barge is In administrative storage and Is to be taken out of service and placed In
depot long-term storage (6 months or more), process EMS for normal operation before releasing to depot
5-1/(5-2 blank)