TM 55-1930-209-14&P-12
Turn SPEAKER selector switch to ON position and adjust to a comfortable listening level.
On Army radio (Figure 2-6), perform following to transmit to a radio station on your frequency in your radio net.
If there are problems with interference, have Intermediate Direct Support /Intermediate General
Support (IDS/IGS) maintenance check Interfering frequency charts to make sure an Interference-
free frequency is being used.
Do not touch Army radio antenna while radio is operating. Antenna contains high voltage which
will cause serious injury.
Perform step b, (1) thru (5) in paragraph 2-12 1.
Remove microphone from mounting. Key Army radio set by pressing and holding the PUSH-TO-TALK
Speak into microphone using proper radio call signs and procedures.
A sidetone should now be heard in the loudspeaker. Request distant station transmit to you and
then release PUSH-TOTALK button. Sidetone should stop. Blower will continue to run if
equipment is warm; otherwise, it will stop.
Listen to loudspeaker for signal from distant station and readjust SPEAKER control to obtain a comfortable
listening level.
If desired radio station cannot be reached on LOW power setting, repeat steps c, (1) thru (4) in
paragraph 2-12.1, using HIGH power setting.
2-12.2 Commercial marine radios. These radios operate In the 156.250-162.550 MHz frequency range, develop up to
25 W of radio frequency (RF) power, receive 50 channels for operational and environmental announcements, and
transmit on 46 channels. When barge is deployed In U.S coastal waters and marine radio is not being used for two-way
communications, monitor channel 16, Both USCG and commercial vessels initiate contact on this channel.
When using the radios for two-way communications, observe secure transmission procedures as specified In unit
Communication Electronics Operation Instructions.
Perform following to turn on the marine radio.
On marine radio power supply, set power switch to ON.
On marine radio (Figure 2-7), turn VOLUME control clockwise to mid-position on dial.
Perform the following to receive from a remote radio station:
On marine radio, turn CHANNEL selector switch to the desired channel in accordance with Table 2-2. In
most instances channel 16 is used to establish initial contact and for DISTRESS and SAFETY communications. Once
contact is made on channel 16, the appropriate working channel is selected and set
Selection of channel 15 or channel 17 automatically reduces radio output power to 1 W in
compliance with US FCC regulations.