TM 55-1930-209-14&P-12
Select/set the desired HI/LO power setting.
Turn SQUELCH control clockwise until background noise just disappears. Do not adjust control beyond
this point or the marine radio receiver sensitivity will be reduced.
When message is received, adjust VOLUME control to obtain desired listening level.
Perform the following to transmit to a remote radio station.
Do not transmit on frequencies assigned to other radio sets. Refer to Table 2-2 for a general
listing of channel assignments and the purpose for which these channels are to be used.
Turn HI-LO POWER selector switch to desired setting.
HI-LO POWER selector switch should initially be set in LO position (1 W RF output power) for near
stations (1-2 miles). Use HI position (25 W RF output power)
when contact cannot be made
using low power (LO position) or for distant stations (over 2 miles).
Turn CHANNEL selector switch to obtain desired channel, normally channel 16, to establish initial contact
(Channels 16 and 22 are always monitored by the USCG.)
Refer to Table 2-2 to select the proper channel to be used as a working channel after initial
contact. Before transmitting on the working channel, make sure channel selected is not in use.
Hole microphone about 1 inch from the mouth, press and hold PUSH-TO-TALK button on
microphone, and speak into it slowly and distinctly.
When message is complete, release PUSH-TO-TALK button so acknowledgment and incoming messages
can be received. Marine radios cannot receive incoming messages while transmitting. Wait until Incoming message is
completed before pressing PUSH-TOTALK button again to transmit.
2-12.3 Walkie-talkies. The three walkie-talkies are solid state VHF/FM transceivers that operate in the 156.025 to 157
425 MHz frequency range. These frequencies and channels are within the marine radio band as indicated in Table 2-2.
Each walkie-talkie operates on six channels' two channels are preprogrammed (i e, channel 6 for Intership safety and
channel 16 for distress, safety and calling), and four channels A, B, C, and D which may be programmed by the operator
Each walkie-talkie develops 1 or 5 W of RF output power.
Walkie-talkie battery charger should be connected to a 115 Vac power source.
Perform the following to receive incoming messages:
Following procedures are performed using the controls and receptacles on top of the walkie-talkie. Each
walkie-talkie must have a VHF antenna. If one is not available, obtain part number from TM 55-1930-209-
14&P-18 and requisition a replacement.
Make sure each walkie-talkie has been fully charged on battery charger for 6 hrs.
Remove walkie-talkie from battery charger (Figure 2-8).
Attach external VHF antenna to receptacle if not In place.