Krueger Crane Systems INC
4699 Colt Road, Rockford, ILL, 61109
Shut off and light is on
Counterweight is missing.
Jumper cable is missing.
Broken cable, bad connection Main Boom.
Broken cable, bad connection Rooster Sheave/Jib.
Defective relay.
Defective Anti-Two-Block switch.
Corrective action
Make sure the counterweight is attached to the Anti-Two-Block switch (Main Boom, Rooster Sheave or Jib) and
free to move.
Make sure jumper cable is attached from:
- Boom nose to Rooster Sheave
- Boom nose to Jib
Refer to figure 5 on page 7
Check wiring for outside damages and loose connections, starting from the control panel to the boom nose.
Check with an OHM meter (figure 5 on page 7) for an open circuit.
Take wires off, on terminal No.3 and No.6 in the control panel. Check at the wires you took off with an
OHM meter. If the OHM meter reads a closed circuit, the wiring from the panel to the Anti-Two-Block
switch is correct. The trouble is inside the control panel. If it reads an open circuit the trouble is between
the panel and Anti-Two-Block switch.
Open the cable reel and take the wires off the cable reel sliprings. Check for an open circuit at the wires
leading towards the Anti-Two- Block switch. If the OHM meter indicates a closed circuit the wiring from
the cable reel to the Anti-Two-Block switch is correct. Replace the cable from the control panel to the
cable reel.
If the OHM meter reads an open circuit, open the 6 pin receptacle and disconnect the wires on No.2 and
No.4. Check on No.2 and No.4 for an open circuit. If the OHM meter reads a closed circuit replace the
cable on the cable reel.
If the OHM meter indicates an open circuit check the Anti-Two-Block switch. Refer to A, B, C on page
If Main Boom circuit is correct take the jumper cable and check with an OHM meter the 6 pin plugs on
both ends. The OHM meter should read a closed circuit at No.2 and No.2 on both plugs, also on No.4
and No.4 on both plugs. If not replace jumper cable.
Phone (815) 874-9402
Telex 25-7498