Krueger Crane Systems INC
4699 Colt Road, Rockford, ILL, 61109
To operate the crane with:
Main Boom:
The 6 pin jumper plug has to be connected to the boom nose 6 pin receptacle. Counterweight has to be attached to the
Main Boom Anti-Two-Block switch.
Main Boom & Rooster Sheave
The 6 pin jumper cable has to be connected to the receptacle at the Main Boom nose and Rooster Sheave. Attach
counterweight to Main Boom and to Rooster Sheave Anti-Two-Block switch.
Main Boom & Jib (swing around)
The 6 pin jumper cable has to be connected to the receptacle at the Boom nose and the Jib. Attach counterweight to
Main Boom and to Jib Anti-Two-Block switch.
Main Boom & Extendable Jibs
The 6 pin jumper cable has to be connected from the Jib receptacle to the rubber cable reel and the plug of the reel to
the Main boom receptacle. Attach counterweight to Main Boom and Jib Anti- Two-Block switch.
Note: Counterweight for Main Boom Anti-Two-Block switch has to be attached at all times to close the circuit while
operating with Jibs or Rooster Sheave.
Phone (815) 874-9402
Telex 25-7498
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