TM 55-1930-209-14&P-13
Section IV. Maintenance instructions
2-13 General. When inspecting bridge crane components, give special attention to pulleys, lifting hooks, chains, slings,
and other load bearing components. Keep inspection reports and records on all hoist equipment. Required maintenance
forms and records are explained in DA PAM 738-750. When performing maintenance, be sure to observe CAUTIONS
and WARNINGS in this manual and the manufacturers manual in Appendix E. Due to crane strength considerations,
repair or replace parts or components of the crane with items the same as original construction. Use materials in
accordance with the drawings referenced in Appendix A.
Notify IDS/IGS maintenance unit after repairing or replacing crane load bearing parts or parts on any lifting
slings or rigs used with the crane. They must proof test and safety inspect the repaired item in
accordance with TB 43-0142. In addition, the crane and all slings and lifting devices used with the crane
must be proof and function tested, and safety inspected to this standard every 12 months. Record and
maintain certification of all proof testing.
2-13.1 Maintenance concept
2-13.1.1 Unit level and IDS/IGS maintenance on the bridge crane system is performed onboard by barge crew members
whenever authorized by the Bargemaster.
2-13.1.2 Any IDS/IGS maintenance beyond the capability of crew members is provided by a shore-based area support
maintenance unit. This unit also determines if depot support maintenance is required.
2-13.1.3 Intermediate support maintenance is accomplished by replacing components or major end items.
2-13.1.4 Unless other intermediate support procedures are directed, IDS/IGS maintenance normally is provided by an
Army Transportation Corps floating craft intermediate support maintenance unit serving terminal operating area.
Components to be disposed of are processed by this unit.
2-13.1.5 Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) is in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18. For maintenance of other equipment
onboard, consult appropriate manual.
2-13.2 Maintenance instructions. Maintenance instructions are presented in the following paragraphs: paragraph 2-15,
Troubleshooting procedures; and paragraph 2-16, Maintenance procedures.
2-14 Preventive maintenance checks and services. See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-13, Appendix C for preventive
maintenance checks and services for handling equipment. See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19 for complete preventive
maintenance checks and services for all systems on the ROWPU Barge.
2-15 Troubleshooting. Troubleshoot bridge crane system as directed in Table 2-2. Conditions listed in this section may
occur during operation of the bridge crane system. Tests and inspections should be performed in the order listed. While
this list is not all inclusive, it provides the most common faults that occur during bridge crane operation. For those
discrepancies beyond barge crew member capability to correct, request unit or next higher level maintenance support.