TM 55-1930-209-14&P-14
Inspect towing bridle as follows:
(1) Using bow crane to hold flounder plate at eye level, inspect plate and attaching hardware for twists, cracks,
or other damage or weaknesses.
(2) Lift towing bridle and inspect chains for cracks, twisted links, or other damage or weaknesses.
(3) Inspect shackles for cracks, twisted or bent metal.
If towing bridle is damaged or shows signs of possible weakness, tag bridle with red tag showing it is not
serviceable. Notify intermediate support maintenance unit of requirement for repairing towing bridle.
k. Inspect towpads for cracks, excessive wear, broken welds and twisted or bent metal. If either tow padeye shows
signs of damage or possible weakness, notify intermediate support maintenance unit of requirement for repairing
a towpad.
Using bow crane, suspend towing bridle over storage hatch and apply multipurpose, water-resistant grease (MIL-
G-24139) to shackles, chains, and plate.
m. Lower towing bridle into void 1 storage area.
n. Make sure long dimension of flounder plate is vertical so plate will clear storage hatch. Lower flounder plate into
storage area. Unhook bow crane cable hook.
o. Secure towing bridle access hatch.
p. Place bow crane in stowed position by following procedures in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-13.
q. Reattach anchor cable to anchor.
Section X. Maintenance instructions
Maintenance concept
Unit level and Intermediate Direct Support and Intermediate General Support (IDS/IGS) maintenance on
towing equipment is performed onboard by barge crewmembers whenever possible.
IDS/IGS maintenance beyond capability of crewmembers is provided by a shore-based area support
maintenance unit. This unit also determines if depot support maintenance is required.
Intermediate support maintenance is accomplished by replacing components or major end items.
Unless other intermediate support procedures are directed, IDS/IGS maintenance normally is provided by an
Army Transportation Corps floating craft intermediate support maintenance unit serving terminal operating area.
Components to be disposed of are processed by this unit.
Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) is in TM 55-1930-209-14 &P-18. For maintenance of other equipment
onboard, consult appropriate manual.
Maintenance instructions. Maintenance instructions are presented in the following paragraphs: Appendix C,
Preventive maintenance checks and services, paragraph 3-15, Maintenance procedures.