REPAIR INSTRUCTIONSThe temperature at which the switch opens and closes the circuit is adjustable within the limits of the operating range.The range screw is located on the outside of the case. The range adjustment always sets the point at which the circuitcloses and the point at which the circuit opens is governed by the differential.A change in the setting of the range adjustment raises or lowers both the opening and closing points, and the differentialremain constant over the whole operating range.To change the temperature control, all electrical power to the cabinet should be disconnected. To disconnect the wiring,remove the terminal cover.DEHYDRATOR REPLACEMENTThe dehydrator is manufactured by Sporlan Valve Co. The dehydrator is placed in the liquid line, and the purpose servedis to keep moisture out of the refrigerant circuit. The dehydrator is flare connected to enable easy replacement. Thedehydrator is moisture absorbing; and if the refrigerant lines are disconnected for servicing, the dehydrator must bereplaced.To replace a dehydrator, pump down the unit, remove the flare nuts using the same precautions as changing anexpansion valve and charge the system. Be sure the flow of liquid through the drier is the same as the arrow indicates onthe dehydrator. It should point away from the receiver tank towards the evaporator.
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