TM 55-1930-209-14&P-15Table 5-2. Bilge System Valves (Continued)TypeValveCalloutLocationLabel IdentificationandValveFunction1-in. gate valveBD13ROWPU space starboardROWPU 2 DIESEL DRAIN: Allowswaste lube oil to be drained fromstarboard HP pump diesel engine1 1/2-in.BD14Weatherdeck star-SLUDGE DISPOSAL: Allows dis-gate valveboard side, forwardcharge of sludge tank from barge1 1/2-in.BD15Void 2 - outer shellDAYROOM WASTE DISCHARGE:gate valvestarboardAllows for drainage of dayroom,workshop ROWPU drains and deckdrains via gravity1-in. globe valveBD16Void 4 portGENERATOR 1 CRANKCASE DRAIN:Drain valve for draining oil from SSG 11-in. globe valveBD17Void 4 starboardGENERATOR 2 CRANKCASE DRAIN:Drain valve for draining oil from SSG 21-in. globe valveBD18Void 4 port20 KW GENERATOR CRANKCASEGENERATOR: Drain valve for drainingoil from SAG1-in. globe valveBD19ROWPU space betweenDRAIN TO SLUDGE TANK: AllowsHP pumpswaste lube oil to be drained from ROWPU1 or ROWPU 2 crankcase (on Barges 2and 3) after hose is connected betweenBD19 and BD12 or BD13Four 1/2-in.-----Beneath weatherdeckDrain weatherdeck fuel oil fill stationball valvesfuel oil fill station,and 3 deckhouse top fuel tank ventbeneath deckhouse topspillage catchmentsport and starboardfuel oil storage tankand fuel oil daycatchments tank vent,and aft end of SSG 1,SSG 2, and SAG spillagecatchments5-11
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