TM 55-1930-209-14&P-15
Lubricants. Hot weather lubricants must be used.
Motors. Electric motors may have a tendency to run hot, and protective devices will stop the motor to
prevent damage. When this happens, allow motor to cool and it will automatically restart.
Section III. Maintenance Instructions
5-13 General
5-13.1 Maintenance concept for sanitation systems
5-13.1.1 Unit level and IDS/IGS maintenance on sanitation systems is performed onboard by crewmembers whenever
5-13.1.2 Any IDS/IGS maintenance beyond capability of crewmembers is provided by a shore-based area support
maintenance unit. This unit also determines if depot support maintenance is required.
5-13.1.3 Intermediate support maintenance is accomplished by replacement of components or major end items.
5-13.1.4 Unless other intermediate support maintenance procedures are directed, IDS/IGS maintenance normally is
provided by an Army Transportation Corps floating craft intermediate support maintenance unit serving terminal operating
area. Components to be disposed of are processed by this unit.
5-13.1.5 MAC data is shown in Appendix C, TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18. For maintenance on other systems onboard,
consult appropriate manuals.
5-14 Preventive maintenance checks and services. See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-15, Appendix C for preventive
maintenance checks and services for the sanitation system. See TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19 for complete preventive
maintenance checks and services for all systems on the ROWPU Barge.
5-15 Troubleshooting ship's sanitation systems
5-15.1 Ship's toilets. If toilet malfunctions, first make sure power panel 3 circuit breaker 5P 13 for forward toilet or 4P13
for aft toilet is closed (ON). Then troubleshoot according to troubleshooting Table on page 7 of Installation Operation
Maintenance: Model WB/TR-111 in Appendix B.
5-15.2 Bilge system. Troubleshoot bilge system according to Table 5-3.
5-16 Maintenance procedures
5-16.1 General. Maintenance for these systems consists of disassembling, repairing/replacing, and reassembling items
listed In the Repair Parts and Special Tools List in Appendix G in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18. When performing
maintenance, be sure to observe precautions in this manual, manufacturers' manuals and instructions, and the following
professional shop practices.
Always use new seals and gaskets, same as original, before reassembling components that have been
disassembled for repair. Carefully install so as not to damage during assembly.
When replacing gaskets, make sure mating surfaces are clean and free of old gasket material, adhesive, oil, or
grease. These precautions will ensure a leak-proof joint.
When replacing O-rings, make sure all surfaces are clean and free of dirt, grit, or foreign material. Prior to
installation, apply a thin coat of silicone grease to O-ring for ease of assembly. Protect O-rings by applying tape
over threads, sharp corners, and edges of components in which the O-ring will be placed.
When replacing electrical components, follow proper procedures for soldering or crimping connections. Check all
grounding. Make sure current carrying members are properly insulated to avoid short-circuiting. Check for
abrasions and chafing of insulation on wires and cables. Repair with tape or replace as necessary.
Be sure electric power Is off when performing maintenance. Observe safety
precautions in this manual and in manufacturer's manuals/instructions.