TM 55-1 930-209-14&P-16
Close switchboard circuit breaker P8 to provide power to power panel 2.
Make sure power panel 2 circuit breakers 7P8 thru 10P8 (Figure 2-3) are dosed
3-10 Operating procedures
Turn on fan 7 by raising starter switch to ON on starboard deckhouse bulkhead forward of side door. This
supplies fresh air to void 1 and starboard side of voids 2, 3 and 4
Turn on fan 8 by raising starter switch to ON and then pushing black START button on controller located on port
bulkhead forward of door. This supplies air to portside of voids 2, 3, and 4, and to void 5.
Turn on fans 9 and 10 by raising controller switches to ON on ROWPU space stem bulkhead. This exhausts air
from voids 4, which contain three diesel-powered generators
3-11 Shutdown procedures
Do NOT turn off voids ventilating fans while personnel are In voids or equipment In voids Is
Shutdown of voids ventilation system automatically turns off chlorination unit.
3-11.1 Normal shutdown for less than 72 hours
Turn off fan 7 by lowering starter switch to OFF.
Turn off fan 8 by pushing OFF button on controller and turning switch on side of controller to OFF.
Turn off fans 9 and 10 by lowering controller switches to OFF.
3-11.2 Normal shutdown for more than 72 hours
Perform shutdown procedures in paragraph 3-11.1, above
Lower blower inlet covers high on exterior sides of ROWPU space and secure in dosed position with bolts and
wingnuts. Make sure seals are in good condition and fit properly
Secure two large flat ventilator intake covers on deckhouse stem bulkhead exterior Secure with bolts all around
outside edge of covers and tighten.
Open power panel 2 circuit breakers 7P8 thru 10P8.
Open switchboard circuit breaker P8
3-12 Emergency shutdown
3-12.1 General. Paragraph 2-12 explains the barge's emergency shutdown systems, how they affect the ventilation
system, and how they interact with the chlorination system. In addition to the electrical shutdown modes for both
ventilation systems, the voids ventilation system also has a mechanical shutoff in the ventilation passage for each void
area. Their locations are listed in paragraph 3-9 and indicated in figure 3-4.