Instructions for Direct Drive Tube Axial, Venturi & Upblast/Hooded Roof Fans
Your fan has been factory tested to insure proper balance, alignment, air delivery correct motor load and that all moving
parts are working correctly.
Prior to installing your fan, inspect the equipment to determine if any damage has been incurred through mishandling
during shipment. Notify the trucker immediately to claim for damages.
The in-line fan is ruggedly constructed of heavy gauge cylindrical housing reinforced with angle iron rings at both ends of
the tube. These rings provide an easy method of bolting the fan into either duct lines, hoods, walls, etc.
Axial and vane axial fans should be installed in accordance with general accepted practices as outlined by ASHRAE,
AMCA or other duly authoritative body, and shall have a uniform velocity profile of +10%. Care should be taken to avoid
the use of bends or dampers immediately preceding or following the fan with factory approval in writing.
A three inch square housing base has been constructed for ease in installation to any frame opening. Refer to your
certified drawing for other dimensions. Insure that proper support is provided to support the weight of your fan.
The motor on your fan has been shipped in a disconnected state. Connect the motor leads in accordance with themotor
nameplate diagram for the desired voltage.
Starting and over-load control devices must be matched to motor rating. For safety or convenience they may need to be
installed some distance from the motor. Follow the control manufacturer's instructions to make proper installation and
connections. Observe the following:
a. Connect electrical power supply to conform with National Electrical Code and any local regulations. Line voltage
and wire capacity must match motor rating stamped on the nameplate.
b. Momentarily energize the motor to check that rotation is in the proper direction. Observe the arrow markings on
the fan housing for correct fan rotation.