CHAPTER 1 - General Information
This manual is written to explain and describe the
functions, operations, maintenance, equipment com-
ponent parts and parts breakdown for a 5 ton marine
air conditioner, mechanically refrigerated, Model No.
NAC-600, which is energized by 440 volt, 3 phase, 60
cycle power, manufactured by the A.R.E. Manufacturing
Company, Inc., located in Jacksonville, Florida.
Equipment Description - The 5 ton water cooled marine
air conditioner (See Figure 1) NAC-600, is classified
a size 5 with minimum capacity of 60,000 BTU's per
hour cooling. This air conditioner utilizes a sea
water cooled condenser with capabilities of a totally
incased unitary assembly with means of air circulation,
ventilation, air cooling and dehumidification aboard
naval vessels in accordance with MIL-A-19865B (Ships)
as amended by Navsea Systems Command letter dated
02 December 1980, serial no. 930
1.2.1 The NAC-600 marine air conditioner consists of the
following major equipment assemblies: