TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19Section IITable 7-2. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Compressed Air SystemB -BeforeD -DailyQ - QuarterlyD -DuringW -WeeklyS - SemiannuallyA -AfterM -MonthlyA - AnnuallyINTERVALITEMPROCEDURESEQUIPMENTITEMTO BECHECK FOR AND HAVEIS NOT READY/NO.INSPECTEDREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDAVAILABLE IFB D A D W M Q S AAS NECESSARYCOMPRESSEDAIR SYSTEMWARNINGBe sure electrical power is OFF before per-forming maintenance or repair on this sys-tem. Open circuit breakers. Redtag circuitbreakers or motor controller with"WARNING - DO NOT ACTIVATE. REPAIRSBEING MADE." Observe all safety precau-tions listed at the beginning of this manual.1All Componentsa.Wipe components clean, especiallygauges and control panels.b.Check for leaks, paying special attentionAny joints, valves, fittings, and piping.Report leaks to shift leader or bargemas-ter.c.Check for loose or missing securementsSecurements oror fasteners. Tighten or replace as nec-fasteners loose oressary.missing.d.Check for damage, especially to pres-Pressure gauges,sure gauges, filters, and control panels.filters and/or con-Notify shift leader or bargemaster sotrol panels dam-repairs can be made.aged.e.Remove rust and corrosion. Touch-upor paint in accordance with TB 43-0144as necessary. Do not paint threads orlabels.2ReceiverDrain receiver by turning drain cock clock-wise (small T-handle) on bottom of tank.When receiver is completely drained, closevalve.7-11
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