TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
Table 7-1. Major Components of Compressed Air System (Continued)
Airhose, 50 Feet
Attached to air stations
Provides air pressure
from air stations to
pneumatic equipment
Airhose, 25 Feet
Used only to provide air
pressure to drive PIG
through shore discharge
Seawater Valve SW30
Workshop port bulkhead
With seawater seachest
blowdown valve, used to
blowdown seachest in
void 2 port. Opened,
valve vents forward
seachest to atmosphere
through venting pipe to
deckhouse top. Closed,
valve forces air from
air station into sea-
chest for blowdown
Seawater Valve SW44
ROWPU space rear bulkhead
Similar function as SW30
7-3 Compressed Air System Description. The compressed air system provides compressed air to five air stations in
the ROWPU space, one in the workshop, and one on stern weatherdeck. It also provides compressed air to two air
stations. for blowdown of seachests in void 2 starboard and void 4 port. These outlets, with other major components,
valves, and piping are shown schematically in Figure 7-6 for Barge 1 and in Figure 7-7 for Barges 2-and 3.