TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
10-3 Interior Lighting System Description. The interior lighting system provides both normal and emergency
lighting in the deckhouse ROWPU space, dayroom, workshop, and voids. The normal lighting system is illustrated in
Figure 10-1. Power is provided by the service generator, auxiliary generator, or shore power. ROWPU space and void
lights are operated from their corresponding lighting panels by dosing circuit breakers. Dayroom and workshop lights are
operated and controlled from bulkhead-mounted rotary switches. The ROWPU space port and starboard doors and
dayroom door to the weatherdeck are each equipped with an interlocking switch that automatically turns off these lights
when one of these doors is opened.
In the event of normal power loss, an inverter automatically converts 24 Vdc battery bank power to 120 Vac power. This
power is supplied to the emergency panel for emergency lighting and for communications.
Figure 10-1. Normal Interior Lighting Arrangement
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