TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19Table 17-4. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Servicesfor Workboat, Lifesaving, and Firefighting System (Continued)B -BeforeD -DailyQ - QuarterlyD -DuringW -WeeklyS - SemiannuallyA -AfterM -MonthlyA - AnnuallyINTERVALITEMPROCEDURESEQUIPMENTITEMTO BECHECK FOR AND HAVEIS NOT READY/NO.INSPECTEDREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDAVAILABLE IFB D A D W M Q S AAS NECESSARY4) Release switch to return system toSystem does notnormal operation. If lights indicatereturn to normal.trouble, notify bargemaster or shiftleader for corrective action.d. Inspect and clean smoke detector forAny deficienciescorrosion, dirt, grime, loose wiring, faultyexist.lamps, or other deficiencies. Correct,repair, and replace worn or damged partsas necessary.e. After verifying smoke detector system isoperating normally with all detector mod-ules in place and the suction blower oper-ating normally, conduct the followingtest:1) Smoke testing must be carried out bytwo persons: one to note the resultsat the detector cabinet and one tointroduce smoke into the accumula-tors throughout the vessel.2) Before commencing the smoke test,make certain the 3-way valves are inthe correct position with the handlereading "Smoke Detector."3) To perform smoke tests, use a smoketest source device.NOTEA smoke test source device can be fabri-cated using specifications suggested inmanufacturer's manual or procured throughauthorized supply, as recommended by thesupporting Fire Marshal.4) It is necessary for the operator of thesmoke tester to carry a portable lightso that smoke entering the accumula-tor may be observed.5) The tester must produce smoke con-tinuously for a period of 1 to 4 min-utes, the actual time being dependenton the length of that particular line andthe number of installed accumulatorsconnected to it.17-25
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