TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
5-35 Fuel injector reassembly and installation
Filter Assembly
Use new filters and gaskets and reassemble filter assembly in reverse of disassembly.
Lubricate filter cap threads and torque cap to 65 to 75 lb ft. Install shipping caps on all openings
to prevent any dirt particles from entering injector.
Purge filters after installation by directing compressed air or fuel through filter caps.
Install clean shipping caps on filters to prevent dirt from entering injector.
Rack and Gear Assembly
Refer to Figure 5-10 and note rack and gear assembly; then, proceed as follows:
Hold injector body, bottom end up, and slide the rack through hole in body. Look into bore for
gear. Then move rack so that drill marks can be observed; hold rack in this position.
Slide the gear into injector body so that marked tooth is engaged between two marked teeth on
rack as shown in insert (Figure 5-10).
Place gear retainer on top of gear. Next, align locating pin in bushing with the slot in injector
body; then slide the end of bushing into place.
Injector Valve and Related Parts. After having lapped and cleaned injector valve and its related parts,
refer to figure 5-6 and reassemble as follows:
Support injector body, bottom end up in injector fixture or in injector vise jaws.
Place a new seal on shoulder of injector body. Then, slide spill deflector over barrel of the
Place valve seat on end of the bushing. Then, insert stem of valve in one end of valve spring
and valve stop in other end. Lower valve and cage over this assembly so that valve stop seats in cage. Place valve
cage assembly on valve seat.
Locate check valve centrally on the cage and place spray tip over check valve and against valve
Lubricate threads in injector nut and carefully thread nut on injector body by hand with an oil-
resistant type grease (MIL-G-6032). Rotate spray tip between your thumb and first finger while threading nut on injector
body. As nut is being tightened by hand, spray tip should be increasingly difficult to turn. When nut is turned down as far
as possible by hand, spray tip should then be too tight to turn with your fingers.