TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Before removing an injector from engine, note direction of fuel flow. To avoid reversing fuel flow
when checking injector fuel output on calibrator (Figure 5-13) (3 of 3), use appropriate adaptor. The position of braided
fuel inlet tube and plastic fuel outlet tube on calibrator depends on adapter being used and direction of fuel flow through
Fuel passages in some adapters are drilled straight through adapters while others are cross
Operate injector in calibrator, and check fuel output as follows:
1 Place injector adaptor between tie rods and engage it with fuel block locating pin, Then slide
adaptor forward and up against fuel block face.
Make sure counter on comparator is preset to 1,000 strokes. If for any reason this setting has
been altered, reset counter to 1,000 strokes by twisting cover release button to left and holding
reset lever in full up position while setting numbered wheels. Close cover. Refer to calibrator
instruction book for further information.
2 Pull injector rack out to the NO FUEL position.
3 Start calibrator by turning switch to the ON position.
4 After calibrator has started, push injector rack in FULL FUEL position and allow injector to
operate for approximately 30 seconds to purge air that may be in system.
5 After 30 seconds, press fuel flow start button (red). This will start flow of fuel into vial.
Calibrator will automatically stop flow of fuel after 1,000 strokes.
6 Shut calibrator off.
7 Observe reading on vial and refer to Table 5-2 and determine whether injector fuel output falls
within specified limits.
(d) Calibrator may be used to check and select a set of injectors which will inject same amount of fuel
in each cylinder at a given throttle setting, thus resulting in a smooth running engine.
(e) An injector which passes all tests can be put back into service. However, an injector which fails to
pass one or more test must be repaired or replaced.