TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
5-68 Cylinder head, removal and disassembly
a. Removal
Open the drain cock at bottom of oil cooler and drain cooling system.
Drain engine oil.
Remove exhaust manifold.
Remove air cleaner or silencer and cover air Inlet housing.
Disconnect fuel lines at cylinder head.
Remove thermostat housing and thermostat assembly.
Clean and remove valve rocker cover and governor cover.
Remove fuel control rod.
Remove two screws securing top of governor housing to cylinder head.
If cylinder head Is to be disassembled for reconditioning of exhaust valves and valve seat Inserts or for a
complete overhaul, remove fuel pipes and Injectors at this time.
(11) Check torque on cylinder head bolts before removing head. Then remove bolts and lift cylinder head from
cylinder block.
When placing cylinder head assembly on a bench, protect cam followers and injector spray tips, if
they have not been removed, by straddling the cylinder head, valve side down, on 3 inch thick
wood blocks.
(12) Remove and discard cylinder head compression gaskets, oil seals and water seals.
5-69 Cylinder head installation
a. Check to make sure tops of pistons are clean and free from foreign material.
b. Check to make sure that each push rod Is threaded Into clevis until end of push rod projects through clevis.
c. To avoid damage to water and oil seals, check to make sure that grooves and counterbores in top of cylinder
block are clean and smooth.
d. Refer to Figure 5-30 and install new seal rings In counterbores of water and oil holes and a new seal In milled
groove near outer edge of area covered by cylinder head.
e. Install two guide studs in each end of cylinder block holes to keep from disturbing gaskets and seals during
cylinder head installation.
f. Wipe bottom of cylinder head clean. Use a suitable lifting device and install cylinder head.