TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
There are two manual controls on governor: a stop lever and a speed control lever. In its normal position, stop
lever holds fuel injector rack near fullfuel position. When engine is started, governor moves injector racks toward idle
speed position. Engine speed is then controlled by movement of speed control lever.
Governor is lubricated by oil splashed from engine gear train. Oil passes through governor weight housing to
shaft and weight assembly. Revolving weights distribute oil to various moving parts of governor. Surplus oil drains back
to engine crankcase through holes in governor bearing retainer.
Govemor disassembly
Remove four special cap screws from cover and remove cover assembly.
Disassemble governor cover assembly as follows (Figure 6-1):
Loosen clamping bolt and remove stop lever from shaft.
Remove torsion retraction spring.
Remove throttle shaft, lock washer, and retaining ring. Withdraw control shaft from cover.
Remove seal ring from governor cover.
Wash cover assembly (on former engines cover assembly contained two needle bearings, however on
current engines, cover assembly contains a bushing which is not serviced. When replacement is necessary, use needle
bearings) thoroughly in clean fuel oil and inspect needle bearings or bushing for wear or damage.
If needle bearing or bushing removal is necessary, place inner face of cover over the opening in bed of an
arbor press. Place remover on top of bearing or bushing and under ram of press, then press both bearings or bushing
out of cover.
Place control housing (Figure 6-2) in soft jaws of a vise.
Remove two bolts and lock washers and withdraw variable speed spring housing, spring plunger, and spring as
an assembly. Withdraw spring plunger from plunger guide.
Remove spring retainer and washer. Lift differential lever off pin of operating shaft lever.
Refer to Figure 6-3 and remove variable speed spring plunger guide. Remove bearing retaining screw, flat
washer and lock washer.
Remove expansion plug out of lower end of control housing.
Loosen operating fork setscrew, if used.
Support control housing bottom side up on the bed of the press. Use a brass rod and press operating shaft from
operating fork (Figure 6-2). Withdraw operating shaft, operating lever and bearing as an assembly from control housing.
Support operating shaft and lever on bed of press. Use brass rod and press shaft from operating lever and