TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
(3) Pack needle bearings with grease. If cover contained a bushing which was not removed, lubricate it with
clean engine oil. Insert throttle shaft through bearing or bushing.
(4) Insert a sealring over throttle shaft and into counterbore against upper bearing. Place retainer over shaft
and against sealring.
(5) Locate lock ring in groove of throttle shaft.
(6) Place torsion retraction spring over cover hub with hooked end up. Then place stop lever on shaft and
tighten clamping bolt.
b. Governor control housing reassembly
(1) Place bearing washer (Figure 6-2) over short, finished end of operating shaft. Start bearing over end of
shaft. Support opposite end of shaft on bed of the press. Using a sleeve having same diameter as bearing inner race,
press bearing on shaft tight against washer.
(2) With pivot pin in operating lever up, start lever over end of shaft with flat on shaft registering with flat
surface in lever. Press lever on shaft tight against bearing.
(3) Lubricate bearing and operating shaft bushing in housing with clean engine oil. Insert lever and operating
shaft assembly in control housing.
(4) Position operating fork over lower end of operating shaft so finished side of fork fingers will rest against
thrust bearing.
(5) Support operating shaft and control housing on bed of an arbor press with upper end of shaft resting on a
steel block. Align flat in operating fork with flat on shaft, then place sleeve over end of shaft and rest it on fork. Press
fork straight down tightly against shoulder on shaft.
(6) Tighten fork setscrew (if used).
(7) Place differential lever over pivot pin of operating lever. Install plain washer and spring retainer.
(8) Place lockwasher and flatwasher over the bearing retaining screw. Thread the screw in the control
housing tight to secure the bearing.
(9) Refer to figure 6-3 and insert variable speed spring plunger guide in control housing.
(10) Apply a good quality sealant around outer periphery of expansion plug and tap plug into lower end of
control housing.
c. Governor Weight Housing Reassembly.
(1) Install lockring (Figure 6-4) in groove of weight pin. Place flatwasher over pin and against lockring.
(2) Start pin through opening in weight carrier. Place second washer over pin and against projecting arm of
weight carrier.