TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3
5-3 Long-term storage. If barge is to be taken out of service for 6 months or more, turn it in to depot for preparation
and placement into long-term storage. If barge is in administrative storage and is to be taken out of service and placed
in depot long-term storage (6 months or more), process ROWPU system for normal operations as specified below before
releasing to depot.
Perform before operation checks specified in Appendix B.
Start and operate both ROWPU's according to procedures in paragraph 3-2 thru paragraph 3-5. Perform during
operation checks specified in Appendix B.
When both ROWPU's have operated successfully for at least 1 hour, stop operation (paragraph 3-6) and perform
after operation checks as specified in Appendix B.
Upon successful completion of inspection, release ROWPU system to depot for long-term storage
5-3/(5-4 blank)