Observe the condition within the cells, if an excess of white mineral scale is noted on the electrodes, check the
flowrate to the holding tank. If a decrease is noted, the cells require immediate flushing. Another indication is the
absence of solution at the top of the cells. If this is observed, excessive scale build-up or low flow is occurring. The
procedure outlined on Page No. 18 should be followed to remove this scale deposit. If naturally soft or artifically
softened water is used, this scale build-up will be very slow and flushing should only be required about once or twice a
year. Under no circumstances should hard water be used in the system as very rapid and excessive scaling will occur,
which could severely damage the electrodes within the cells.
Check oil level in Brine Feed Pumps.
Every Three Months:
Check low voltage connection at cells. If any evidence of oxidation or corrosion is observed, clean thoroughly
with a suitable wire brush. Be sure to observe the proper polarity when replacing the cables. Failure to do so will result
in rapid destruction of the electrodes. If the special silicone bronze terminal bolts are lost, do not substitute wits any
other except copper or brass. If any other type is used, excessive heating of the terminals could result.