These tubes control the depth to which the tank can be drained thereby assuring that the circulating pump is always
operating in a flooded suction condition. Failure to use these tubes could result in damage to the pump.
Once all the necessary pumps and fittings have been installed, check to make sure that the total chlorine being
withdrawn does not exceed the make-up rate of the system. Bear in mind that in situations where little or no chlorination
has been accomplished in the past, the build-up of organic matter in the water lines being treated can create a large
temporary chlorine demand which will result in over dosing the system initially. It is a desirable practice to check the
chlorine residuals after several days of chlorination and reduce the feed rate if the chlorine residual has risen to a higher
than desired level.
B. Fail-Safe Circuitry:
Several "Fail-Safe" circuits are included in the system to protect the system in the event of accidental overload or
pump failure. These are:
Pump Pressure Failure Circuit consists of a diaphragm type pressure switch and pressure gauge. This circuit
immediately removes the D.C. power to the cells in case of pump failure. Once the malfunction has been corrected, the
system can only be activated by placing the function switch to "OFF/RESET" then to "AUTO."