TM 55-1930-209-14&P-5
Table 4-1.
Drinking Water System Troubleshooting (continued)
Probable Cause
Suggested Action
d. Water filter clogged
d. Replace filter cartridge
e. Pressure set
e. Check circuit breaker
11 P5 on power panel 1.
Troubleshoot pressure
set (Teel Convertible Jet
Pump System Instructions
and Parts Manual in Appendix B)
f. Valves on washdown
f. Close valve(s)
station(s) open
12. Water pressure set
a. Circuit breaker 11P5
a. Close circuit breaker
not operating
on power panel 1 open
b. Motor controller
b. Turn motor
turned off
controller to AUTO
c. Motor controller mal-
c. Troubleshoot motor
functioning controller.
Check thermal
unit and fuse
d. Water pressure set
d. Troubleshoot pressure
set (Teel Convertible Jet
Pump System Instructions
and Parts Manual in
Appendix B)
13. High level alarm sounds
a. Water not being dis-
a. Open valves
sounds with discharge
charged from storage
pump operating
tank(s)because valves
DW6, DW7, DW8, and/or
DW9 closed (Figure 1-2)
b. Tank high level switch
b. troubleshooting high
level switch (Trans-
amenca De Laval
Instructions in Appendix B)
Reonent switch (Drawing
no 87707)
14. Low level alarm
a. Water not flowing into
a. Open valve(s)
sounds with dis-
storage tanks because
charge pump
valve(s) DW1, DW2, DW3,
and/or DW4 closed
(Figure 1-2)
b. ROWPU(s) not in opera-
b. Startup or trouble-
tion or malfunctioning
shoot ROWPU systems
(TM 55-1930-209-14&P-3)
c. Tank low level switch
c. Troubleshoot low
level switch (Trans-
america DeLavel in-
structions in Appendix
B). Reonent switch
(Drawing no. 87707)