TM 55-1930-209-14&P-5
(4) Disconnect electrical wiring and tag each wire indicating where it was connected.
(5) Remove guard from coupling and disconnect coupling from pump shaft.
(6) Remove mounting bolts and remove pump
b. Cleaning and inspection
Do not use solvent for cleaning since pump Is used to discharge drinking water. Seal pipe connections.
(1) Clean exterior of pump with brush and hot, soapy water Rinse thoroughly and dry with filtered compressed air
(2) Visually check pump for evidence of cracks.
Disassembly and repair Disassemble, repair and reassemble discharge pump In accordance with Aurora Pumps
Instruction Manual in Appendix B. Use repair parts listed In Appendix G of TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18 Wipe parts
clean with lint-free cloth before reassembly
(1) Install pump assembly and tighten mounting bolts
(2) Connect piping
(3) Connect electrical wiring in same manner as previously installed and Indicated on wire tags
(4) Activate pump motor controller by closing switchboard circuit breakers P9 or P15 and closing (ON) main switch
on pump motor controller (Figure 3-1)
(5) On Barge 1, position valve DW12 to pump to be used On Barges 2 and 3, open valve DW12 (for pump 1 ) or
DW18 (for pump 2)
Before starting pump, pump body must be completely filled with drinking water. Running pump dry will cause seal
(6) Bleed out all air and vapor from Inside pump and make sure It Is primed with water as follows
(a) Remove priming plug
(b) Fill pump with drinking water through priming plug opening in pump body until all air has been expelled from
pump and suction pipe
(c) Replace priming plug, screwing In only far enough to seal
(d) Start pump
(e) If pump falls to build up pressure within 3 minutes, stop pump and reprime by repeating steps (a) through (e)
In some cases, priming may have to be repeated several times, until all air is expelled.
When pump starts, tighten priming plug
(g) If pump does not start after several priming attempts, troubleshoot pump.
(7) Jog pump by pushing START button momentarily and checking pump rotation If rotation Is not the same as
before, change any two wires on electrical connections to pump and check rotation again
(8) When rotation Is correct, remove red tag from motor controller and enter this maintenance action In logbook.
(9) After 10 hours of operation, check for leaks and tighten as necessary.