TM 55-1930-209-14&P-5
4-7.2.13. Shower.
4- Piping and valves. Replace piping or valves, including shower head, or repack worn or damaged valves
according to procedures in TM 55-503.
4- Shower curtain.
Repair torn curtain using tape Replace when not repairable.
4-7.2.14. Discharge pump motor controller.
Make sure shore discharge pump motor controller is electrically dead before starting repair or removal.
Red tag
switchboard circuit breaker P9 for pump I or P15 for pump 2 with: WARNING - DO NOT ACTIVATE - REPAIRS BEING
4- Cleaning and inspection
Make sure discharge pump motor controller for pump being repaired is electrically dead by opening (OFF)
switchboard circuit breaker P9 for pump 1 or P15 for pump 1 or P15 for pump 2 Redtag circuit breaker with
Open motor controller door and vacuum clean or clean with electricians brush.
Check fuse Replace If necessary.
Visually Inspect for indications of burns, corrosion, loose connections, or damaged parts Clean corrosion from
contacts and terminals, tighten loose connections and replace damaged parts.
4- Test and repair
Check line voltage coming In across points DS1 and DS2, DS2 and DS3, and DS1 and DS3 (Figure 4-2) If
voltage between any lines Is 0, power source Is at fault If reading Is 440 between all lines, go to step b
Rotate MAN/OFF/AUTO switch(S1) in Figure 4-2 to AUTO position.
Check voltage between terminals 14
and 15 on terminal board If voltage Is 0, check connections and replace faulty wires, if necessary If voltage Is
indicated, check pump and storage tank selector switch and level switches as given In paragraph 4-7 2.17
Check voltage on all terminal pairs going out across points OL4 and OL5, OL5 and OL6, and OL4 and OL6 If
voltage readings on all three of the terminal pairs Is 0, check motor controller continuity using Figure 4-2 as
given below If voltage readings across all terminal pairs Is 440, pump motor Is at fault and check motor as
given In paragraph 4-7 2 1 3
(1) After securing switchboard circuit breaker P9 for pump 1 or P15 for pump 2, open motor controller
cover and clean by vacuuming or with electrician's brush.
(2) Visually Inspect fuse, contacts, and connections for burns, looseness and corrosion Clean and tighten
or replace damaged fuse, contacts, or connections Inspect wiring for breaks or other damage Replace
winning If necessary.
(3) Check relay continuity across points R 1 and X2, OL1 and OL4, OL2 and OL5, and OL3 and OL6 If
open condition Is indicated, reset or replace relay.
If closed condition exists, go to step (4)
(4) Reapply power to motor controller and check transformer voltage across points Xl and X2 If voltage
reading Is 110, go to step 5 If voltage reading is not 110, check voltage between point H1 and H4 If
voltage Is not 440, replace wires to transformer If voltage Is 440 and voltage across points Xl and X2
was 0, replace transformer.
(5) Turn off and secure power source to motor controller and check MAN/OFF/AUTO switch (S1 )
continuity across points S1 P1 and S1 P4 with switch In MAN position, and across points Sl P2 and S1
P3 with switch In AUTO position If either check indicates an open circuit, replace switch If circuit
closed, go to step (6) .