Table 2-2
Power Available Condition
Electric Motor to winch Drum
Table 2-3
Maximum Power Available Condition
Electric Motor to Winch Drum
Table 2-4
Power Required Condition
Levelwind Traveler Head to Electric
Table 2-5
Power Available Condition
Electric Motor to Levelwind Traveler
The resultant analyses indicated that the 30 Horsepower electrical input and the components selected would result in a
system fulfilling the pull, brake, and speed requirements.
Band Brake Analysis
The Drinking Water Discharge Winch System incorporates a manually operated band brake. This brake is totally
independent of the electro-hydraulic system disc brake. The theoretical analysis for the band brake is presented in Table
Winch System Configuration
The resultant winch configuration is presented in Figures 2-1, levelwind configuration is presented in Section 6.0,
System Installation, and the Hydraulic Power Package Configuration is presented in Section 4.0, Hydraulic System,
Figure 4-2 and 4-3.