Possible faults
Suggested remedy
11. High oil consumption
a. Oil level too high
a. Do not overfill crankcase Keep level within lower half of sight
b. Breather valve malfunctioning
b. Check valve
c. Piston ring(s) worn or broken
c. Have condition oft piston rings checked
d. Intake filter clogged
d. Clean or replace
12. Loading periods too long
a. Excessive air consumption
a. Decrease consumption
b. Compressor not in optimum condition
b. Have compressor inspected
c. Sticking or damaged valves
c. Clean or replace
13. Thermal overload relay cuts
Overload relay incorrectly set
Check and adjust to correct setting Reset relay
out during starting
14. Thermal overload relay cuts
a. Overload relay incorrectly set
a. See 13
out during operation
b. One phase of mains supply line interrupted
b. Check fuses and line terminals tightness Check voltage across
motor line terminals
c. Mains supply voltage variations exceed
c. Consult power supplier
normal tolerances
d. Ambient temperature too high and causes
d. Improve ventilation of room
overload relay to trip
e. Motor stops and starts too frequently
e. See 10 On units with motor starter, change to half-automatic
Overcurrent due to motor-failure of com-
Measure motor line current in the three phases If currents
exceed rated motor current, have compressor inspected, if cur-
rents are not equal, have motor inspected
15. L P relief valve blows
a. Defective valve in H P cylinder head
a. Inspect and replace parts as necessary
b. Defective relief valve
b. Replace valve
In case of motor failure. return to local authorized motor repair station.
6 Valve replacement procedure
Warning: Release the pressure from the air receiver and
compressor before starting repair works Always switch off
the current.
A faulty valve must be attended to immediately. Serious
damage can result if a compressor Is operated with a broken
valve disc. The instructions given must be faithfully followed
when inspecting or replacing the valve discs.
Removal and assembly (See Drawings E and F)
Operation sequence
Remove the fan guard and the cover
of the air intake silencer.
Disconnect cylinder head cover (11)
from the in- and outlet pipe flanges
Remove cover (11).
Remove cylinder head cover (11)
Disconnect outlet cap (15) from the
temperature reducer and inlet cap
(14) from the pulsation damper and
the air intake silencer Remove outlet
and inlet caps (15 and 14).