TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
(12) Install piston nut (13) on piston (12).
(13) Turn switch assembly over to operating position.
(14) Carefully place diaphragm (9) in cavity of lower end fitting (8).
(15) Locate pressure plate (10) and spacer (11 ) on diaphragm (9).
(16) Carefully place lower end fitting (8), with diaphragm (9), spacer (11), and pressure plate (10) in place,
on switch case (5) against piston (12). Locate four mounting holes.
(17) Install four bolts (6) and four lockwashers (7) through lower end fitting (8) and switch case (5).
(18) By adjusting the piston nut (13), the adjustment plug (30), and the adjustment plate (26), position the
lever (24) touching the actuating plunger (2) of the switch (19) with no gap or play.
(19) When the relationship of the lever and switch has been fixed, tighten screw (17) and screw (14).
(20) Install setscrew (28) and soft copper slug (29) against adjusting plug (30).
(21) Hold cover (3) and (4) in place on the switch case (5) and align mounting holes.
(22) Install four screws (1) and four lockwashers (2) through cover (3), gasket (4), and switch case (5).
(23) Install cover retainer chain (32) with drive screw (31) into switch case (5).
h. Test.
Electrical high voltage can cause serious injury or death. Some
tests performed in testing require power to be connected. Always
take proper measures to ensure personal safety.
(1) Using a dead-weight gage tester with an accuracy of 1/10 of 1%, connect low-pressure switch in
accordance with (figure 3-16).
(2) Apply 120 Vac to low-pressure switch. Indicator light D1 should be off, D2 should be on.