TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
(4) Open test fixture valves to provide water supply to timer pipe fittings.
(5) With electrical power off, and timer mechanism removed from case, rotate white pilot valve cam (1)
(figure 3-20, sheet 1 of 2) in a counterclockwise direction to the backwash position (BW). Test fixture indicates
water clear and free of air at the drain.
(6) Rotate white pilot valve cam (1) counterclockwise to slow rinse (BR) position. Test fixture indication
will be rinse water flowing.
(7) Rotate white pilot valve cam (1) counterclockwise to service (SR) position. Test fixture indication will
be drain stopping.
(8) Replace timer mechanism in case.
(9) Turn electrical power on.
(10) Set timer to regenerate at 2:00 A.M. and observe the following cycles:
k. Time of Day Adjustment. Rotate calendar dial (4) (figure 3-20, sheet 2 of 2) counterclockwise until black
pointer (3) indicates correct time of day.
l.. Reconditioning Frequency Adjustment.
(1) Screw down dial pin (2) (figure 3-20, sheet 2 of 2) corresponding to day backwash is desired.
(2) Screw all other pins (2) to UP position.
m. Time of Reconditioning Adjustment.
(1) Loosen two screws (1) (figure 3-20, sheet 2 of 2) in face of calendar dial.
(2) Position calendar dial (4) so that mark at each pin points to desired time of backwash.
(3) Tighten two screws (1).
(4) Rotate calendar dial (4) counterclockwise until black pointer indicates correct time of day.