TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
(3) Remove eight nuts (1), bottom hand-hole cover (8), and gasket (10) from filter tank (7). Discard
gasket (10).
(4) Remove nut (12) and zinc anode (11) from mounting stud (9) of hand-hole cover (8).
(5) Remove plug (13) from drain port (14).
(6) Completely remove media and underbedding through top and bottom hand-holes.
i. Removal, Multimedia Filter Internals. (Figures 3-44)
(1) Through the top hand-hole of multimedia filter, remove three nuts (1), screws (2), and washers (3)
from two clamps (4) and (5) (figure 3-44; sheet 1 of 2).
(2) Remove two clamps (4) and (5) from inlet pipe assembly (6) and vent pipe assembly (7).
(3) Unscrew union (8) and remove vent pipe assembly (7) with elbow (14), nipple (13), and strainer (12)
(4) Remove strainer (12), nipple (13), elbow (14), and union (8) from vent pipe assembly (7).
(5) Remove nipple (9) from coupling (10).
(6) Remove inlet pipe assembly (6) from coupling (11) with elbow (16) and nipple (15) attached.
(7) Remove nipple (15) and elbow (16) from inlet pipe assembly (6).
(8) Through bottom hand-hole of multimedia filter, remove two nuts (1) from U-bolt (2) (figure 3-44,
sheet 2 of 2).
(9) Remove U-bolt (2).
(10) Carefully remove eight laterals (3) from hub (4).
(11) Remove nipple (5) with hub (4) attached, from tee (6).
(12) Remove nipple (5) from hub (4).
(13) Remove pipe assembly (7) from coupling (8) with tee (6), nipple (9), and cap (10) attached.
(14) Remove cap (10), nipple (9), and tee (6) from pipe assembly (7).
(15) Remove strainer (12) from nipple (11).
j. Cleaning.
(1) Clean all parts with a brush and a mild soap solution.