TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
a. Removal. (Figure 25)
(1) Disconnect cable assembly (1) from harness assembly (2).
(2) Remove nut (3), washer (4) and screw (5) securing ground wire to clip (6).
(3) Remove nut (7), washer (8) and screw (9).
(4) Remove clamp (10) and cable assembly (1), then remove clamp from cable assembly.
(5) Inspect clips (6) and (12). If damaged, remove remaining nuts (13), washers (14) and screws (15)
securing clips (6) and (12) to trailer frame (11).
b. Disasse mbly. (Figure 26)
(1) Remove connector (1) from cable (2), then remove adapter (3) and spring (4).
(2) Remove connector (5) and terminal lug (6) from cable (7) . If marker bands are damaged, remove
bands (8) and (9) .
c. Inspection.
(1) Inspect connector for loose or damaged pins. Replace if defective.
(2) Inspect connector covers for damage. Replace connector if damaged.
(3) Inspect cable for cracks, cuts, abrasions and loose ends. Replace if damaged.
(4) Check individual wires for loose solder connections at terminal lugs and connectors. Repair solder
connections and replace terminal lugs and connectors if damaged.
d. Testing. Using wiring diagram in (figure 27), check individual wires for continuity, If continuity is not
indicated, check solder connections and replace all damaged wires.
e. Repair. Wwhen repairing solder joints wire Connections must be made mechanically sound before they are
soldered; solder alone does not provide sufficient strength to prevent breakage. Surfaces of connections to be
soldered must be clean and bright. Solder shall be leadtin solder conforming to Specification QQS571. Wires
should always be heated to the point at which the solder will melt completely and flow into all parts of the joint.
Excessive buildup of solder globs on the joint should be avoided or removed.
f. Assembly (Figure 2-6
(1) If marker bands (8) and (9) were removed, install new bands on cables (7) and (2).
(2) Install terminal lugs (6) and connectors (5) or cables (7).
(3) Install spring (4) and adapter (3) on cable (2), then install connector (1).
g. Installation. (Figure 2-5)
(1) If clips (6) and (12) were removed, position new clips to trailer frame (11) and install only screws (1 5),
washers (14), and nuts (13) to secure clips to trailer frame.
(2) Place clamp (10) on cable assembly (1), then position cable and clamp to trailer frame (11 ).
(3) Secure clamp (10) to trailer frame (11) with screw (9), washer (8), and nut (7).
(4) Connect ground wire to clip (6) with screw (5), washer (4), and nut (3).
(5) Connect cable assembly (1) to harness assembly.